As a leading electrical contractor in Central Florida, our goal is to keep Florida residents and businesses informed about important and useful information related to electrical service, electrical repair, electrical safety, and emergency backup power.
News and Information
The Eau Gallie Electrical Service Blog
The Cost to Install a Home Emergency Generator?
GeneratorsThe Cost of Installing a Home Emergency Generator Hurricanes, tropical storms, and the occasional alligator in the swimming pool are merely accepted facts of life…
Why a Whole House Generator is the Right Choice for Florida Residents
GeneratorsThe Importance of Having a Backup Emergency Generator in Florida Florida residents often get battered by storms and hurricanes that result in power outages. In…
Commercial Building Standby Generators Keep You in Business
GeneratorsKeep Your Business Open with a Standby Generator Whether they serve people directly or do their work in the background, businesses are essential to daily…
Florida Nursing Home Emergency Generator Guidelines
GeneratorsLegislation for Florida Nursing Home Emergency Generators Governor Rick Scott recently signed legislation making the proposed Florida nursing home emergency generator guidelines into law. So…
Why We Install Generac Residential Standby Generators
GeneratorsEmergency Generators During a Florida Storm Your power may not go out often, but when it does, it’s a big deal. This is especially true…
Commercial Standby Generator Safety Tips
GeneratorsMake Safety a Priority with Commercial Standby Generators Having a commercial standby generator at your disposal can be a big help. It can even save…