At any time, any facility can be affected by a power outage, including those with Emergency or Standby Power Systems. These outages can be caused by very small faults occurring within or outside the building. Improper setting in your overcurrent protection devices or inappropriate equipment rating could trigger a chain of events that leave your facility in the dark. Business continuity is imperative at businesses such as hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, public utilities, and government offices. The first line of defense against these unnecessary power interruptions is reliable power studies.
Electrical Engineering Services
Power Studies: Short Circuit Analysis, Protective Device Coordination, and Arc Flash Studies

Power Studies and Surveys
Basic power studies such as arc flash analysis, short circuit study, and protective device coordination are critical components of planning electrical design-build projects, especially when working on existing facilities.
Electrical design-build services require power studies to be completed before construction commences. This is necessary to check power quality and availability over the entire project and to confirm that the project is viable.
Our power studies are comprehensive and complete efficiently, but always with great attention to detail. This data must be collected and analyzed safely for the success of the electrical design-build project.
Short Circuit Analysis & Protective Device Coordination Studies
All electrical equipment serving power is required to withstand the short circuit rating available at their particular location in the electrical network. A Short Circuit and equipment duty analysis will ensure that the power system’s component won’t be burdened by new fault current values that will develop due to the changes in the electrical system. In some instances, through a short circuit and equipment duty analysis, it can be determined that additional equipment will need to be replaced to increase the safety and reliability of your power system. The need for replacements can be attributed to system changes over the installation’s life. Some of these changes can be very simple: increase in fuses size, changes in circuit breaker settings, changes in load size and location, and unreported changes in utility short circuit values.
Once the available fault has been determined and your equipment with withstand ratings has been confirmed, your network will be ready for a protective device coordination study. Putting it in simple terms, this is the process by which our engineers determined the best sizes and ratings for your fuses and circuit breakers/relays, respectively. Applying the proper settings to your protection devices will allow us to compartmentalize your electrical network so that minor power disturbances can be isolated quickly, minimizing the impact on your critical load and your power system as a whole.
Arc Flash Studies
Arc flash studies for electrical design are used to determine the potential risks of an electrical project. Understanding the delicate balance between many different techniques on power studies will ensure that your power system is well-coordinated and that unnecessary excessive incident energy will not be allowed in your equipment. In this way, the arc flash hazards can be more manageable, allowing more flexibility for system maintenance while maintaining a safe working environment.
Our approach is to find the best way to apply all available knowledge and techniques to keep your equipment safe, serviceable, and maintainable.
Book Our Services
Armed with power studies results, our team can start any electrical design-build project in Florida. We have power studies experts who can create practical power studies reports anywhere in the state.
Whatever your power study needs are, you will always get fast service delivered by highly qualified power engineers who possess unrivaled knowledge in power studies and electrical design-build services.
Get in touch with Eau Gallie Electric if you have a project that would benefit from our arc flash studies/electrical design services.